5 Ways to Practice Sustainable Eating - Big Idea #3- Shop Farmers Markets

Part 3 in a 5 part series

Sustainable Eating Big Idea #3- Shop Farmers Markets

Why it’s good to shop farmers markets…

For you: Farmers markets are amazing places to try new foods like mushrooms or root vegetables that you don’t normally find in the grocery store.  Talking to the grower gives you so much information on the quality of the food, the labor of love to grow it, and creative ways to use it.  Supporting your local vendors gives a sense of generosity and connection and building a sense of community is good for the soul.   

For the environment: Agroecology is a set of principle-based farming practices that cover the entire food system, including plants, animals, soil, and climate to provide an organic and biodynamic alternative to industrial farming  (Carlile & Garnett, 2021).  Many small farmers practice some version of agroecology and are happy to tell you why their farm helps the environment. Just ask!

For equality: Racism and injustice have long stopped indigenous people and people of color from being successful food producers in America, and worldwide.  Entire ways of living and eating are being lost each decade to the power of big corporations.  Farmers markets provide a chance for all people to share their wares.  What a great opportunity to learn about cultural food.

What you can do today: Find a farmers market near you.  Visit often.  Talk to the vendors. This great site by Local Harvest lets you search by location, giving more information on each business.  https://www.localharvest.org/search.jsp?lat=27.5&lon=-83.7&scale=5&st=10


Local Harvest also offers recipes without ads.  Local Harvest - Find Markets, CSA’s and recipes https://www.localharvest.org/newsletter/20191227/2/roasted-roots-with-balsamic

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